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Dog Training for Busy People

Have you ever taken a dog training class and then not done the homework? I have. I’ve also done months of PT and struggled to get through the homework. I just never had time, and the dog training ended up being at the end of the to-do list. The cure?


Here are some dog training activities that you can do while doing other activities. The stay lends itself especially well to the busy dog trainer. If your dog is not so advanced, multi-tasking is also a bit harder, too, but be creative!

Train your dog to stay or leave it while:

  • Reading emails or listening to voicemail.
  • Waiting for a pot to boil.
  • Waiting for the microwave to ding.
  • Putting a load of laundry in, or many other domestic tasks.
  • Brushing Your teeth.
  • Making a phone call to a friend – may need to be interrupted to put dog back.
  • Doing your physical therapy exercises.
  • Shredding paper.
  • Waiting for commercials on TV or previews on a DVD.
  • Gardening.
  • Eating
  • Training your other dog to do something else.

Train your dog to heel while getting your own exercise.

Train your dog to do just about anything while getting them exercise by using a toss of a fetch toy as the reward.

Teach your dog to lie down using capturing. Tether the dog near where you are and click/treat or say “yes” and treat right as they decide to lie down. You can also capture other behaviors. You can do this while:

  • Watching TV.
  • Eating.
  • Doing exercises, like sit-ups or walking on a treadmill.
  • Training another dog.
  • Talking on the phone.
  • Waiting for your pizza to be delivered.
  • Vacuuming.

Beyond multi-tasking, you can also just train your dog for a few minutes as a break from your other tasks. If you can train your dog for a few minutes here and there, you’re well on your way. Even 2-3 minutes a day will soon make a difference in your dog! Just make sure you aren’t UNtraining your dog the rest of the day – dogs are always learning, so be consistent with your management and training.